About Us

About CanMerge

CanMerge Immigration Inc. was founded in 2018. We aspire to grow from a small company to a company that can serve clients simultaneously and zealously, with 10 employees working from our office in Ontario, Canada,

Over the past few years in Immigration experience we have a large clientele, made up of people who have become our friends, both in social media and in real life. Our goal is to serve more and help even more people achieve their dream of living in Canada!

We provide advice on visas and immigration processes through a close relationship and effective communication with each of our clients, respecting the objectives and the initial planning of each one, and suggesting steps to follow in each process in order to have the highest possible chances of success.

With over 90% successfully completed cases, we can guarantee that we offer a quality service, and our commitment to our clients is the basis of our work. We work all the time at your side, guiding your plan, from the first profile analysis, your arrival in Canada and your successful settlement.

Our Approach

Consultation credit

Initial Consultation fee will be fully credited towards future professional fees when you hire us

Client centric approach

Each case is unique and dealt professionally by a qualified immigration consultant.

Communication 24x7

Communication is made easy and at the go, with our offices around the globe, your queries.

Care for your money

You should know exactly what you’ll pay, before you commit. We believe in commitment.

How we help customers

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why choose Canmerge

Countless Benefits & Easy Processing

We believe that no case is complex if handled carefully. We have dedicated licensed professionals handling every file from initial consultation until the end of the process. Our immigration professionals are directly accessible to answer any questions or concerns and respond to inquiries immediately. We pride ourselves in providing first rate customer service to each an every client we represent. We welcome you to make Canada your Home

Legal Immigration Success

Legal Immigration Success offers expert guidance to simplify immigration processes and help achieve your goals.

Required Documents Support

Required Documents Support ensures you have all the necessary paperwork for a seamless immigration process

Get Free Online Visa Assessment Today!

Top Rated By Customers & Immigration Firms With 100% Success Rate.

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